When I give other people advice, my key thing is to always point out that "everything happens for a reason". I believe that with everything I am, because I can look back on my life at the good, the bad, and the outcome and see where everything fit in to place perfectly. I have to keep reassuring myself that everything will work out, everything will happen just as it is supposed to happen, but I have this image in my mind, a picture of what I want to happen. Thats the right brain person I am. I have a certain way of doing things, I have a plan, a pattern, and when it is disrupted or stops, it totally throws me out of wack, and I loose myself.
This allllll spirals back to horses doesn't it? I am sure everyone has dealt with an impatient horse!! A horse waiting to eat who slams their hooves against the stall or ground. Pawing at the ground while being tied. These are tiny things, but what about a horse that is impatient over big things?! Whats big in a horses life? YOU!
Both types of horses, left and right brain get impatient, in different ways and over different things. The type of horse I stated above would be a more left brain horse. But a right brained horse can be just as impatient. How about when you are trying to teach your horse something new? You have an idea of what you want your horse to do and how to do it, but its just not happening, your horse knows you are asking something from her, but she just doesn't understand, their minds get overloaded and they tend to loose control.
Its not always about waiting, and becoming irritated when things to happen fast enough. Its the miscommunication, the a spinning tire, and just plain not understanding. I do not understand why everything is happening the way it is, I am so frustrated and infuriated, but there is nothing I can do about it. AND I know I do this to my horses as well. They don't understand what is being asked, the wires are cross firing, its just not happening, and they become frustrated.
Over the next few days I am going to work on my brain and with my horses and see what I can do as a person, and as a horseman to try and become a more patient and understanding person, and trainer. I want to feel calm and comfortable when things are unclear and strange, just as I want my horses to feel when they are being asked to do something new. I will let you know what I come up with!
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