Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 1, the first step!

    Okay, today was FREEZING! How can the weather go from nice and warm with a cool breeze to 30 degrees??!! I HATE BEING COLD! But, as cold as it was, I played with three of the horses today, and I have to admit, I was not motivated to do it, but it turned out great!
   I worked with Indy, Aurora and Salita today, in that order. Indy BEGGED to play, she has been wanting to play for awhile now, so she got to go first. I am starting everyone on the Carolyn Resnick Water Hole Rituals, no matter what level they are. This was Indy's first time and she was awesome!!! Indy is a LBI who LOVES to be right, so all I had to do was show her what to do, and she RAN with it! At first she tried to make it harder than it was, but once she figured out all she had to do was give me two eyes and two ears, life was good! We made huge progress in just 20 minutes! After we were done I let her chill with me and eat some hay then I let her out of the roundpen. BUT, she did not budge! She stood right by the gate the whole time I played with the other girls! I LOVE LOVE LOVE motivated horses with desire! What could be better?!
    After Indy I brought in Aurora, who was done the WHR many times while we were in Florida working with Mirka Pitts. She is in no way a pro, but she does know what to do and she is always asking questions. Aurora has no problem giving you two eyes and two ears, she is a LBE and very curious! She is the most "cuddly" horse I have ever met, she loves to be around people. We are working on draw, and so far she is doing GREAT, I ever got  stick to me walk about 15 feet, I was very proud! She is a smart baby!!
    Salita, Salita, Salita!!!!! Salita is a 4 year old LB- EXTROVERT to the 10th power!! I have never met a more dominate and left brain horse!! She is so much fun to work with, but she is a challenge, which i think is good for me, and a few months ago I would have been REALLY frustrated working with her, but today, I looked at as a challenge, a game, and I needed to win the game! Well, I did not win, but I moved forward a few spaces!! I had a bit of an issue, every time I tried to draw her to me, she would turn her head or move away. Even when I was just playing the friendly game she would literally turn around to get away from me. Well, as dominate and left brain as this horse is, I should have guessed that it was NOT a confidence issue, but thats what I thought it was. Sooooo, I chilled out, I relaxed and I gave her lots of time. WRONG! This was a HUGE dominance issue! When she was turning away from me, she was actually lining me up to kick me!! Little brat! She knew exactly what she was doing!! SOOO!!! I matched her energy and we worked hard!!! I did not have a huge breath through but I managed to keep zone 1 at me as much as possible and even had her attention when I asked!! It was a good session, and I even forgot about the cold!!
    Amanda watched the whole time, she had never seen the WHR done, and I think she enjoyed it, she loves watching her girls make breakthroughs!

Indy and Salita

Its a good thing I have horses in my life.... everything else is pretty screwy, I am truly thankful for the supportive and loving people who have embraced me and helped me through my difficult times!! I have such high aspirations and dreams, its going to be a rough road, hell its been pretty bumpy so far, but I am ready to take it on!!!


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